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                How often do wooden chopsticks need to be replaced?

                2021-09-27 352

                  1、 How often do you change chopsticks?

                  Whether bamboo chopsticks or wooden chopsticks, once used for a long time, the appearance will become rough. And frequent use, the scrubbing process will also leave deep-seated "small scars" on the chopsticks, making the chopsticks rough, and it is easy to leave and reproduce bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, the health cycle of chopsticks is only a few months. Generally, they need to be replaced once every 3-6 months.


                  In addition, for the health of the family, it is advocated to implement "public chopsticks" at home, that is, make a small mark on the tail of each pair of chopsticks, or buy a chopstick with no pattern on the tail for each family member. When eating, you should also set aside a pair of male chopsticks to hold dishes.

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